National Credit Union Youth Month celebrations kicked off this weekend, marking a month-long youth-focused celebration lead by Credit Union National Association (CUNA) and sponsored by Ever Green 3C. This year's theme is "Unleash the Power of Saving at Your Credit Union™," aimed at instilling the importance of saving and developing good financial habits in children and young adults.
“Our goal is to help acquaint youth with the spirit of the credit union movement while instilling the importance of saving and developing good financial habits,” said Megan Crowson, manager of consumer engagement for CUNA. “We’re helping credit unions lay the building blocks of a life-long financial partnership with their young members.”

The National Youth Saving Challenge™ is one of the many ways credit unions and their members can participate in this industry-wide celebration. In 2022, 713 new youth accounts were opened, and 23,490 deposits were made during Youth Month.
Additionally, credit unions can encourage kids to share, spend and save wisely through financial literacy workshops, contests and giveaways, incentives and saving-match programs, and events. To help credit unions with their celebrations, CUNA offers a wide range of resources, including free and fee-based creative bundles designed to educate consumers. Free resources include:
Coloring Page
Social Media Cover Photos
Purchasable resources include:
Design Bundle (allows credit union customization on posters, videos etc.)
Celebrations Store (clothing, stuffed animals, piggy banks and more)
For more information about National Credit Union Youth Month, please visit cuna.org/youthmonth.